Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcoming Prism

Prism, a new Open Source product from Mozilla, enables you to convert Web Applications into Desktop Applications. That's a simplistic statement for the sake of brevity. For details, this is a good website to check out: https://labs.mozilla.com/2007/10/prism/

You may also download Prism from that site or by clicking here: http://people.mozilla.com/~mfinkle/prism/prism-0.8-win32.exe

Prism is an excellent development in the open source world.

Is it better than AIR or Silverlight? That’s hardly the point. We want the software industry to be a vibrant marketplace of creative, competing products and solid advancement. Prism promotes just that, and does it well.

With the tremendous polarization happening in the software industry — e.g., in ERP, BI, Datawarehousing — and with Oracle gobbling up Sun (and Java), it is important that the industry always has solid, comparable, competing options. I like MS Office, but I lament the absence of any real competitor to keep Microsoft on their toes.

Doesn’t anyone else feel that way? I see ADOBE guys bitching about Prism, and some others skeptical about the benefits of the technology itself. They are missing the point. Regardless of whether PRISM is your choice or not, it is an Advantage++ for the industry. That is the point.

I myself am a heavy used of AIR, and have just begun checking out Prism.

Kudos to the Mozilla team.

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